News & Calendar

September 1, 2022

Beyond the Basics: When Two becomes Three

Beyond the Basics: When Two becomes Three

September 1, 2022

Mother sits holding newborn baby while partner is in background alone. Text reads When two become Three, free virtual workshop

When Two becomes Three… adding a breastfeeding baby to your relationship!
Having a baby can bring major changes to your relationship and it may seem like everyone’s role is up for renegotiation. Feelings of being left out, carrying all the responsibility for nourishing your baby and having no time for each other are common; you are not alone. Discover strategies to help you and your partner adjust to new parenthood, breastfeeding, and countless baby photos.

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We want to help you reach #yourbreastfeedinggoals!

If there are any breastfeeding or chestfeeding topics that you would love to learn about, reach out to us at