The Breastfeeding Buddies are here to help you meet #yourbreastfeedinggoals
Our community based peer support program aims to bridge the gap between hospital, community, and home.


Beyond the Basics: Breastfeeding Beyond a Year... Why?

September 2, 2021

Parent Breastfeeding Toddler

Breastfeeding Beyond a Year …  Why?
“Are you STILL breastfeeding?” “Breastmilk has no benefits after a certain age….” Many parents are given misinformation and face criticism about breastfeeding their children beyond infancy. Join experienced breastfeeding buddies for a conversation about why breastfeeding beyond a year is normal and an important health decision for you and your child! Toddlers welcome!

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Did you know that the Breastfeeding Buddies program of the Waterloo Region recently received a grant from the Lyle S. Hallman Foundation to expand peer breastfeeding support?

The campaign will mobilize many levels of partnerships to improve hospital-to-community supports and engage with priority populations to increase breastfeeding rates across Waterloo Region.

Stay tuned for updates on “The Building Supportive Breastfeeding Communities Campaign.”